Following are the steps to register a device on 3rd party LNS.
Login to the LNS Instance.
Head to the devices section and select the option to “Add/Register a device”.
On clicking on the option, a new dialig box will open listing various LoRaWAN device parameters which need to be filled.
Enter the Device manufacturer and model name.
Enter the DevEUI of the device.
Set the Device activation mode to OTAA.
Set the LoRaWAN device class of device to “class A” .
Select the LoRaWAN MAC Version to “1.0.2” and revision to “Rev B”.
Enter the “Appkey” of the device in the Appkey field.
Finally click on “OK” to Register the device on the LNS.
Now that the device is registered , lets move to the NoiseApp section. To know more about setting up the NoiseApp click here